Cambridge Hearing Tests
It’s common to have our teeth and eyes checked regularly, but what about our hearing? Everyone over the age of 55 should arrange a hearing test once a year, or more urgently if there are signs of hearing deterioration. We offer a number of options, covering the entire gamut of potential issues.
What type of appointment do you need?
If you're concerned that you may be suffering with hearing loss or troublesome earwax, start by taking our quick and easy quiz. By answering a few simple questions, we'll be able to understand more about your hearing and advise on the next steps to take. You'll be on the road to better hearing in less than five minutes.
FREE ear checks and hearing tests in Cambridge
Ear Health Check
If you’ve been experiencing symptoms such as earache, itchiness or a blocked feeling in your ears, we offer a free 15-minute Ear Health Check, to assess what’s wrong. We’ll check the overall health of your ears, ear canals and eardrum and check for earwax. Following the results of this check, you may wish to arrange an additional appointment to resolve or investigate further, or we can advise accordingly.
*Ear Health Checks are limited to two per year per person, additional appointments will be charged at £15
Hearing Screening
We offer free Hearing Screening, to detect any signs of hearing loss. This basic hearing test will be able to identify if your hearing is normal, or if you are indeed experiencing some degree of degradation. We allow 30 minutes for this test.
Should the result show some form of hearing loss, we would recommend a Full Diagnostic Assessment, in order to fully understand the cause of your hearing difficulties, the severity of this loss and what treatment might be required.
*Hearing Screenings are limited to one per year per person, additional appointments will be charged at £15. If additional diagnostic testing is required, e.g. Tympanometry, these will be charged at £25.00 per test
Full Diagnostic Hearing Assessment
The Full Diagnostic Assessment will thoroughly assess all the components of your hearing pathway, from your outer ear, through your middle ear and your cochlear, then into the auditory processing centre of your brain. Again, all the tests are non-obtrusive, pain-free, and performed in a sound-treated room – so there is still no need for you to enter a small, claustrophobic booth. This test takes about 90 minutes.
We deliver a professional service and are pleased to offer you a free Full Diagnostic Assessment when you purchase a hearing instrument from angli-EAR Hearing. A fee of £80 will be charged for this service.