angli-EAR Hearing

Updates to our booking system

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We’re always listening to our clients feedback. It’s the best way for us to continue to offer the high standard of customer care we pride ourselves on.

The reason we have an online booking system is because of feedback from our clients. In fact, a key member of our team is ‘Jane’ – the booking software we use to help us run our business.

Following recent client comments, we realised it can be difficult to book appointments for multiple people. It’s great news that you trust us with all your family’s hearing need, but this can make our system difficult to use! So we’ve now fixed that.

The system has been updated to allow one person to manage multiple family members’ appointments, including booking appointments and completing intake forms for the whole family from a central profile.

The next time you log in you will be asked who you want to book for.

Not everyone likes to be known by their full name, but at medical appointments, it’s often needed. We now have a feature to allow you to let us know your preferred name.

We will always assume to refer to you by your formal salutation unless you invite us to do otherwise. Just log on to your account and you can update your preferences, if we currently use a name you usually associate with a childhood scolding!

We always welcome feedback from our clients – good or bad. It not only helps us improve, but also ensures we keep doing the great things that you value about what we do at angli-EAR Hearing.

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