angli-EAR Hearing

Please help us to help UK Veterans to hear again

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angli-EAR Hearing is really proud to support the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation with their goals to help veterans of all ages, ethnicities and genders to access quality hearing aids for hearing issues caused by their military service.

Use of military fire-arms, aircraft noise, loud machinery, defence training and war operations can all leave veterans with hearing, tinnitus and mental issues and the demand for hearing devices and help is high. UK Veterans Hearing Foundation has already fitted over 50 veterans with hearing aids so far, but there are over 2000 veterans waiting for help across the country, with that number growing daily.

There are two ways angli-EAR Hearing are assisting ex-servicemen and women through the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation:

Firstly, if you have any old or unused hearing aids and would like to help a veteran, we are accepting donations of hearing aids into our clinic (we cannot take NHS hearing aids, unfortunately). Please drop them off into the collection point in our clinic’s Reception area. Recycling your old or unwanted hearing aids is also environmentally-friendly by reducing waste and decreasing the stress on landfill sites. And, you will also be supporting veterans who greatly require modern advanced hearing technology, helping them navigate day to day life. As a thank you, we’ll give you a voucher for a Full Diagnostic Hearing Assessment (worth £80) that you can use yourself at our clinic or pass on to a family member or friend.

Secondly, if you don’t have any old hearing aids but still want to support this very worthy cause, we are also collecting cash donations for UK Veterans Hearing Foundation in our Reception, or you can donate online directly to UK Veterans Hearing Foundation 

 Thank you for your support!

 For more information on UK Veterans Hearing Foundation visit

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